10:00 AM10:00

Ceramics + Yoga/ The connection between your hands and womb

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6:50 PM18:50

Candlelight Restorative Yoga (In Person!)

Deep, nourishing, restorative rest.

Who doesn't like to be tucked in, held in a supportive shape, and told a good story?

Sept 20th/ Vernal Equinox Restorative Yoga at The Yoga Dive


Rest. Balance.

How much of it do we need?
How much of it do we take?

I'll speak for myself.
Currently, I need a lot of it, and I'm not taking enough.

A relationship to rest is like any other relationship - it requires listening, nurturing, and engagement to flourish.
Stop paying attention, and the relationship suffers, losses vitality, and weakens.
Breathe the prana of attention into a relationship, and it grows, strengthens, and flourishes.

Deep, nourishing, restorative rest.

How much of it do you need?
How much of it do you take?

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to Apr 24

5 week series// Qi Gong FIVE ELEMENTS// with Howard

  • Kinfolk Yoga Studio (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The five elements are the five types of Qi corresponding to the five organ systems.
The five elements are metal (lung chi) water (kidney Chi) wood (liver chi) fire (heart chi)
And earth (spleen chi). This form is unified and very flowing, awakening, cleansing and
Energizing the organ systems and balancing the endocrine system. Each week will be a
practice to strengthen each element. Cost $50 for series.

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10:00 AM10:00

Hara Line Practice + Meditation

Hara line is the ray of energy that is known as Chi, Kundalini, Life Force.. that is a primal center within all alive...Hara is the name from Japanese tradition of marshal arts. This exercise/meditation composed of connecting energetically from the earth through the tan-then, through the soul seat and out to the divine. It’s easy to remember, can be very short and very powerful exercise for grounding and aligning intention. This will be an introductory to the practice followed with guidance through the exercise. and meditation. April 16 and 23. Taught by Tatiana Vatury

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Grief Myths Workshop with Jemma Skye Champeau
11:30 AM11:30

Grief Myths Workshop with Jemma Skye Champeau

Yoga Grief Workshop.jpgYoga and Grief Workshop Grass Valley

Grief Myths, on October 26th at Kinfolk Yoga Studio, looks into how societal and cultural expectations can shape our grief expression and obscure our natural response to loss. We explore our own subconsciously held ideas and expectations around what grief ‘should’ look like and we dive into how we can nurture ourselves with radical kindness and acceptance through all times of loss and transition. We explore gentle movement, yoga, journaling, creative inquiry and create our own blessing bag, to inspire ideas for daily rituals of self-care while grieving. For more information or to register, email info@jemmaskye.com.

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An Intro for the Curious: The Wild Temple School of Yoga Fall Teacher Training
6:30 PM18:30

An Intro for the Curious: The Wild Temple School of Yoga Fall Teacher Training

Join Brooke Sullivan for an Intro into The Wild Temple School of Yoga Fall Teacher Trainings. Tantra Yoga offers tools and techniques, not only for awakening higher levels of consciousness but for healing deeply embedded physical, psychospiritual emotional and ancestral dis-ease. This is an introductory talk on what makes these Tantra Yoga 200hr. & 300hr. yoga teacher training immersions so potent & different from the rest.

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An Intro for the Fall's Trauma Informed Yoga Training with Schuyler Bright
6:00 PM18:00

An Intro for the Fall's Trauma Informed Yoga Training with Schuyler Bright

July 19, 6-7:30 time for the Intro class.

This class will introduce you to the reason why all yoga teachers should be Trauma Informed, why restorative & chair yoga is important to best support your class to be safe, as well as some rudimentary neurobiology of the brain, nervous and endocrine (hormonal) systems to produce our physical, mental, & emotional states. The class will also address the need for integrating sensory self care into classes to support students to carry the benefits from class into the space between classes.

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